The Ugly Truth
Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler in a rousing romcom about the eternal confrontation between the sexes. The film’s tagline is “Men’s Values Versus Women’s Ideals.” Watch the movie “The Naked Truth” – on this curious and seemingly inexhaustible topic can be seen online at our online movie theater. Abby Richter is a successful television producer. She has much to be proud of: spectacular appearance, a successful career, business acumen and independence in everything. But on the personal front girl suffers one defeat after another, and relations with the opposite sex are still not added up. One day, the project Abby works on, comes host Mark Chadway – self-confident type, who does not care about women’s opinions and behaves as a true cynic and chauvinist. On the air, Mark tries to remove the rose-colored glasses through which they look at love and debunk all the romantic myths about relationships. Despite greasy on-air jokes and many other liberties, the ratings for “The Naked Truth” show skyrocket. Meanwhile, Abby meets the man of her dreams.